Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery - Beverly Hills Cosmetic Procedures and Treatments

Across the United States, plastic surgery has been a long-lasting, if not permanent means to gaining cosmetic enhancements safely, effectively, and quickly. With a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Beverly Hills patients have been able to receive cosmetic treatments and procedures to improve and enhance features they may be insecure or unhappy with. These changes generate self-confidence and a positive self-image bringing each patient lifestyle-enhancing results. In Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery procedures and treatments are designed to target specific areas of the body; however, an individualized approach is made by each plastic surgeon as no two patients’ anatomies are ever alike.
Breast Augmentation has consistently been one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed in the United States. The reason being women directly derive their sense of confidence, femininity, and sensuality with the size of their breasts. With a Breast Augmentation Beverly Hills patients can increase and enhance the size, shape, and volume of the breasts for an overall figure that is feminine in shape. During the initial consultation for a breast augmentation, patient candidacy and breast implant size and type are decided based upon a series of factors. A patient’s medical history and current health among other factors are evaluated to determine the patient’s candidacy for the procedure. The breast implant size and type are discussed with the plastic surgeon based upon the patient’s body type, weight, and lifestyle to ensure the implants will work well with the body’s anatomy.
Over time, aging may bring about physical changes such as fine lines and wrinkles that are mostly visible and noticeable beginning in the face. Many men and women seek facial rejuvenation procedures and treatments that are convenient, effective, and affordable for treating fine lines and wrinkles. In Beverly Hills Botox treatments provide patients with a facial rejuvenation treatment that takes about 15 minutes to administer and provides results almost instantly. Botox is a recommended to be repeated every 4 to 6 months to maintain a youthful appearance. It has become a preferred means of treating fine lines and wrinkles in the face effectively making patients’ look and feel younger with results that look natural.

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