Monday, July 25, 2011

Nose Job Beverly Hills - Increasing Popularity of Cosmetic Surgery in Beverly Hills

With a Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon many residents and out of town patients have been able to change physical appearances and imperfections that then translated into confidence and self-esteem. Cosmetic surgery provides individuals with a means to body contouring, breast enhancement, and facial rejuvenation, including reconstructive surgeries that also place emphasis on aesthetics. Areas of the body to be treated with cosmetic surgery will vary from patient to patient; however, they all have one commonality. The area or feature to be treated is typically a feature that has become a source of insecurity, lack of self-confidence, or even unwanted attention. Cosmetic surgery has increased in popularity over the last few years and has fixated itself as a common method to achieving desired results for how effective, affordable, and safe the procedures have become due to medical advancements.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 116,352 Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck procedures were performed throughout the United States during 2010. Tummy Tuck procedures are highly recommended and effective for patients whose midsection has become a “problem area” and may even create a disproportionate look to the body due to the midsection protruding. In Beverly Hills Abdominoplasty procedures help many individuals tighten, flatten, and contour the midsection by removing excess fat with liposuction and tightening underlying muscles that may have become weakened.
For some men and women, the nose may be an area of concern if it shaped too large, too wide, or has a nasal tip that is too rounded or pointed. The nose is a prominent facial feature; however, at times it may be too dominating or noticeable. It may even draw unwanted attention or even be the cause of embarrassment. With a Rhinoplasty or Nose Job Beverly Hills residents and out of town patients can refine and reshape the nose with a plastic surgeon that is skilled with nose reshaping procedures. In 2010, 252,261 Rhinoplasty procedures were performed throughout the United States making it one of the top 5 cosmetic procedures performed during that year. It’s no surprise, however, because Rhinoplasty procedures help many individuals gain confidence as it provides superior results that are unmatched by other alternative treatments.
The top and most commonly performed surgical cosmetic procedure is Breast Augmentation with 296,203 procedures being performed during 2010 alone. With a Breast Augmentation Beverly Hills residents can increase and enhance the size and shape of their breasts. This procedure is highly effective for women who have small breasts and may feel self-conscious about their breasts. The implementation of breast implants during a breast augmentation procedure allow for women to feel more confident and feminine, enhancing their lifestyles on a day to day basis.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Beverly Hills Liposuction - Face, Breast, and Body Enhancement with a Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgeon

Cosmetic surgery has attracted many out of town patients to the beautiful city of Beverly Hills, decorated with world renowned Board Certified Plastic Surgeons who have earned recognition for their work and continued dedication to their craft. In Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty procedures attract individuals who are self-conscious or frustrated with the size and shape of their nose. A nose that is too long, too wide, or has a nasal tip that needs reshaping, can draw unwanted attention and can, at times, be the cause for embarrassment. A Rhinoplasty procedure focuses on refining and reshaping the nose to a shape that enhances the facial profile overall and can even eliminate breathing problems a patient may be experiencing.

For many, the struggle for a body that is slim and fit doesn’t only end with weight loss. The body may have unsightly stubborn areas of fat that are irresponsive to diet and exercise, causing the body to look unbalanced and deformed. In Beverly Hills Liposuction can remove excess fat from these problem areas, reshaping the body to a pleasing contour. Liposuction can be used on almost any area of the body making it a preferred treatment for those who have hard to lose post-pregnancy weight or stubborn weight following weight loss. For patients whose specific problem area is their midsection an Abdominoplasty can flatten, tighten, and slim the abdominal area. With an Abdominoplasty, or Tummy Tuck Beverly Hills patients receive liposuction to the midsection that not only removes excess fat but also tightens the underlying muscles.  This procedure is highly effective for post-pregnancy patients (where the underlying muscles have been stretched out) or patients who have lost a significant amount of weight with their midsection still being a problem area.

A woman’s body can go through a series of changes in weight. Weight can be gained or lost due to things like stress or pregnancy.  The breasts may be subject to plenty of change as breast feeding may also be a cause of laxity in the breasts as with weight loss. With a Breast Lift Beverly Hills women can restore their breasts to a firmer, youthful state. A breast lift procedure focuses on the removal of excess skin and restoring the breasts and repositioning nipples to their natural, youthful position.